Located at approximately 2,539 ft above sea level is the Shasta Valley of California. Here you will find a geological landscape featuring the volcanic remains of Mt. Shasta’s 3,000 year old eruption, grasslands, juniper forests, Shasta River, and the Little Shasta River.

The 14,179 ft Mt. Shasta is the most recognized geological feature of Siskiyou County. The mountain represents the birthplace of creation to the 6,000 year old Winnemem Wintu tribe. When exploring the mountain and surrounding areas we are mindful of whom the first caretakers of this land were and are. We tread lightly in order for these sensitive habitats to sustain themselves year after year.

The indigenous caretakers of this landscape are the Shasta Indian Nation: Karuk Tribe, Wintu Tribe, Modoc Nation, and Yurok Tribe.


The native plant life consists of rabbit brush, sage brush, grasses, and seasonal native flower blooms which continue to diversify as you ascend up into the surrounding mountain ranges. The animal community is represented by meadow larks, coyotes, red tail hawks, pronghorns, golden eagles, northern harrier hawks, deer, bald eagles, quail, jack rabbits, peregrine falcons, northern flickers, great horned owls, and many other life forms.
